Friday, 20 June 2014

Well Respected Cry (explaining youth, the Kinks style)

And then she cried, to make him cry,
The dressed man with a weapon hand.

The thousand odd students; they were fighting for their rights,
Troopers stormed in- black spot- eating all the light.

In that City square, hope in despair,
They marched together, a peaceful weather.

I know they were raged, but holding hand in hands,
Seeking of solution, in what they thought- A Promising Land.
(Coz they're well respected group of women and men).

The meeting table in the office room, power fears for its own doom,

Shifting eye sights with some noisy nail bites,

Shame game of blame- even making it more tight.
(It was a strategical tragedy of modern times.)

Black uniforms, were ordered ON,
with the stick and gas and the water clash.

Resisting down hard upon them, when she came out,
The Red eyed girl's scilence was enough to kill the shouts,
...and they cried together, two sides of the coin.
(Oh yes they did!)

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