Monday 15 October 2012

"Arguing self"

Why did you come far!
[Just to think and understand you better, that's all.]

Did you make a fortune?
[Its OK, do not put your head too heavy so soon.]

Well then why, whats the rattle?
[Because your mind wont be settle, my friend - 
all the pictures you see and the way you pretend
just to gather it all and then take it to end - 
Its one way to think but there're many others,
put your will and belief let you love what you serve.]

"Oh! let me ask you a question, about the freedom of expression and the bitter reactions - 
Dedicated minds ~ only to society, no words for the wisdom in this glamours party"

[Mind is too vast, end can never be reached,
a need to control the satisfaction  disease.
The faith must be strong and the actions along,
if to walk is to live, you shall never be stopped.]